Kid Kritics Approved
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sports International Football Camps is proud to announce that this year's camps will include a nutrition component sponsored by Family Food Experts, LLC. (FFE).  Sports International believes that nutrition is a very important part of becoming a great football player and is partnering with FFE to help our campers and their families make better food choices. 

Family Food Experts is an organization that is dedicated to helping families become healthier by eating products that meet their ingredient standards and products that kids will love to eat.  FFE is the home of the Kid Kritics Approved Seal. 

This seal identifies foods that have healthier ingredients and kids age 5-13 have taste tested the food in a blind taste test.  70% of the kids must give positive results for the food to then earn the Kid Kritics Approved, Seal of approval.   What this means is that when you are grocery shopping, you can know that if you buy a product that has earned the Seal, your kids will love it and it's a great nutritional choice.

FFE has developed a program called "Fuel Your Dreams" so kids can be the best they can be.  This program has mapped the nutrient in foods to the body part that requires that nutrient to be healthy.   The intent is for kids to be motivated to ASK for healthier foods because they learn that broccoli feeds their bones.   Tie this into the fact that kids want to be star football players and they need strong bones to win - it's an easy way to get kids to WANT to eat healthier foods.  No more nagging to get them to eat their veggies. 

The Fuel Your Dreams program has been developed to make meal time more enjoyable and more nutritious.  For more information go to  You will find information on the ingredient standards, a grocery shopping list, and recipes that have been taste tested and approved by kids.   You can also win a free case of food by entering into the weekly Sweepstakes.  We encourage you to sign up for the newsletter and begin a happier, easier, healthier meal time.

We are very excited to bring this new element to our camps and are looking forward to expanding the program over time. 

This year, campers and parents will be receiving:

 A Football Fuel Your Dreams Poster

  • Ecookbooks
  • Recipes
  • Educational webinars
  • And more...

We hope you find this as exciting as we do! 

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