The Brian Orakpo Football Camp will take place June 26-29, 2011 at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA.
The Brian Orakpo Football Camp will take place June 26-29, 2011 at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA.
Brian Orakpo the
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Linebackers push, shove, and power through their opponents with one objective: get the ball. Whether that means tackling the running back or sacking the quarterback, linebackers play a pivotal role in a team's success. Brian Orakpo, of the Washington Redskins, understands what it takes to be successful in the NFL and brings this skill set when he mentors young players at the Brian Orakpo Football Camp.

Possessing a strong work ethic and high aspirations became the driving force for Orakpo's success and it's this same mentality that he hopes to develop in young players at his summer football camp at George Mason University.

"Kids have the opportunity to learn from the best in football technique, footwork, and certain skill sets for different positions on the football field," stated Orakpo.  "Kids have a chance to interact and ask questions to their favorite NFL players during these football camps."

While growing up he attended many camps and learned the importance of this training for his development as a player and person. It gave him the opportunity to learn from experienced players that performed at elite levels. Orakpo states that this opportunity gave him an edge on the field against other kids.  Now as an adult, Orakpo gives back to the community and provides future athletes a chance to improve their skills through in-depth instruction, practice, lectures and demonstrations at the Brian Orakpo Camp. Even though he's only been in the NFL two seasons, he's earned a name for himself through his performance on the field.

"I felt honored and appreciative to be a part the NFL. It was a huge accomplishment for me, that's why to this day I strive to be the best," stated Orakpo.

During his rookie season in 2009, Orakpo tied the Redskin record for most sacks in a game, with four against the Oakland Raiders.  This performance earned him the NFC Defensive Player of the Week and his continued efforts garnered him a spot on the Pro Bowl team. 

"I was ecstatic to be a part of the Pro Bowl," stated Orakpo whose favorite player growing up was defensive end Reggie White. "Being a rookie invited to the Pro Bowl is huge so I didn't know what to think, but the guys were real cool and treated me as if I already belonged."

Earning accolades and high opinions of other well-respected players takes a lot effort. This never-give-up attitude and strong work ethic was instilled in him at an early age. He began playing football in the seventh grade, but he didn't meet the most influential person in his football career until high school. Orakpo states that his high school position coach, Mr. Malotiwz, always encouraged him to persevere if he wanted to succeed in life, no matter what obstacles he encountered along the way.

"Always believe in your abilities and never get discouraged when adversity comes," stated Orakpo. "Listen to the right people you have in your life to guide you through tough and challenging obstacles in life or out on the field."

Orakpo states that one of the most challenging aspects during his transition into the NFL was the high-level of competition every single week. In order to stay in the game Orakpo trains as much as possible with hill climbers, pushing sleds, and pulling or pushing heavy tires. But even with all his serious training, Orakpo doesn't lose sight of one important aspect.

"The most important thing to remember when playing this game is to always HAVE FUN! Football is still a game and never lose site of that while playing."

Article by Anel Laj

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